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Pressmeddelande från FIS angående tv-programmet Uppdrag granskning

FIS (det internationella skidförbundet) har nu på morgonen släppt ett pressmeddelande där de ger sin syn på uppgifterna om dopning som framkommer i tv-programmet Uppdrag granskning. Programmet sändes i SVT1 den 27 februari.

Pressmeddelandet är på engelska.

FIS statement concerning SVT program "Uppdrag Granskning"
FIS has received a number of questions from Scandinavian media following a documentary shown by SVT called "Uppdrag Granskning" claiming there were many medalists doping in the 1990s. The information on which the allegations are based are i) a handwritten paper showing haemoglobin values from a screening test in Lahti 1997 provided by Kari-Pekka Kyrö and ii) a powerpoint slide from Bengt Saltin stating that all medal winners from 1995 had haemoglobin values over 17,5.

In response, it is not possible for FIS to verify the values that have been published by Kari-Pekka Kyrö or consequently to comment on them. The testing that was carried out at this time was arranged by scientific experts in the FIS Medical Committee for statistical purposes in order to establish the level of haemoglobin values for health controls. These tests were not doping controls and cannot now be evaluated as if they are Athlete Blood Passport tests that are carried out today with clear criteria and procedures defined by WADA. The blood testing carried out at that time was also used to identify target doping controls and in the 1990s and early 2000s and there were a number of doping cases in Cross-Country Skiing.

Concerning the statement that all medal winners from 1995 had haemoglobin values over 17,5, this is refuted by Peter Hemmingsson, FIS Medical Supervisor at the 1995 Championships in Thunder Bay, who was involved with the testing there. He confirmed that blood testing was only carried out in three Cross-Country Skiing events and one Nordic Combined event and no Swedish or Norwegian athletes had haemoglobin values over 17,5.

Discussions and different opinions between scientist and experts exist in many areas of society, but the facts in connection with these allegations are clear as stated above. FIS has taken great strides in developing and implementing a comprehensive anti-doping programme including introducing the Athletes Blood Passport in close consultation with the World Anti-Doping Agency.

No further comments will be made by FIS during the remainder of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Val di Fiemme.

For more information on FIS's Anti-Doping Programme at the Fiemme 2013 Championships, please refer to the FIS Fact Sheet issued on 20th February 2013 here:
http://www.fis-ski.com/uk/news/pressreleases/press-releases-2013/fiemme-anti-doping.html Länk till annan webbplats.

Also please see a Question and Answer document with FIS Anti-Doping Expert Rasmus
Damsgaard from 20th February 2013 here: http://www.fis-ski.com/data/document/fis-rasmusdarmsgaard1.pdf Länk till annan webbplats.

* * *

About FIS

FIS is the governing body for international skiing and snowboarding, founded in 1924 during the first Olympic Games in Chamonix, France. Recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), FIS manages the Olympic disciplines of Alpine Skiing, Cross-Country Skiing, Ski Jumping, Nordic Combined, Freestyle Skiing and Snowboarding, including setting the international competition rules. Through its 115 member nations, more than 6'500 FIS ski and snowboard competitions are staged annually. Specific initiatives are undertaken by FIS to promote snow activities as a healthy leisure recreation, notably for the young.

For more information, please visit www.fis-ski.com Länk till annan webbplats..

Härmta FIS pressmeddelande som PDF Länk till annan webbplats., nytt fönster

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